Thursday, October 2, 2008

How to cure adult acne

« ...You may also opt to undergo a TCA CROSS procedure in which each independent pit is spot treated using trichloroacetic acid. This acid is placed just on the inside of the acne scar causing the collagen in your skin to flare up and push the pit back up to the surface level....
...3 Acne Solutions For Acne Free Skin...»
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«...In order to make soap out of castor oil you will need to mix it with lye (sodium hydroxide) in order to create a chemical reaction called saponification. During saponification, the oil (acid) reacts with the lye (base) to form a salt (your soap). I bet you never knew that soap was actually a salt!...»
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tags: eat tomato for acne, help the acne marks on my face home remedies, does all birth control prevent acne

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