Sunday, September 28, 2008

Super food and acne

« ...So, do natural treatments really work or do you need to purchase something in a store to see real results? Research has shown that natural, herbal treatments do have an effect on acne. In fact, many over the counter medications contain natural ingredients such as lavender and chamomile to soothe the skin. Salicylic acid, a popular acne medication, is actually derived from willow bark, a popular natural treatment option....
... Nodulocystic Nodulocystic acne is considered to be the most severe type. It is more severe than the Papulopustular acne and also involves the presence of large deep lesions, also known as nodules. It may also result in the formation of acne cysts. It can also affect the chest, face and back. This type is most common among the male....»
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«...Whether it's prescription Retin-A or any number of over the counter acne care treatments containing retinol, the biggest effect of this treatment is it's ability to irritate the skin and cause flaking. For this reason many people give up on Retin-A before it has a chance to work. To help avoid some of the skin irritation that is common with this treatment, it is best to use a good quality moisturizer throughout the day. If skin flaking occurs, use a wash cloth to remove the flaking and reapply some moisturizer. ...»
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tags: micromycin acne medication, birth control pills acne, how to cure acne scars fast

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