Monday, August 4, 2008

Top all natural acne treatment and acne treatment natural skin care skin care cream b

Perhaps we should go back a little here. As we all know, any kind of acne is bound to produce a certain degree of inflammation. This is the reason why most treatments of acne aim to reduce inflammation. So far so good, but what happens when what is an ordinary pimple bursts open to spread the infection to its surrounding areas?
So I read up on natural approaches to clearing my acne and found that simple diet changes would do the job. The worst food for acne is vegetable oil, and as soon as I stopped eating it my acne cleared up DRAMATICALLY.
Acne can also occur because of skin irritation, which can be caused by excessively dry skin. One great acne remedy for dry skin is a moisturizer that contains vitamin A, since it works to provide moisture to the skin without adding any oil. It is usually thin so it doesn't feel heavy on the skin, but provides a great deal of moisture and helps to heal dry and irritated skin. It can be used by almost all skin types, since it doesn't add any excess oil to the skin but provides a great deal of beneficial moisture.
tags: reviews of tea tree oil and acne, what causes acne on my back, different types of acne pictures

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