Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne proactive solution and metal in drinking water causes acne

It is no secret that acne is a huge problem. Chemical treatments attack the bacteria that can build up in pores and cause acne breakouts. Scientists found that certain wavelengths of light can actually cause these bacteria to die and thus relieve the acne breakout. The marvel mini blue light device is the application of this theory. It emits blue light which kills the acne causing bacteria.
The first step in treating your acne is to determine whether you need an acne cream treatment, an intense treatment or other type of treatment. You may not even need an acne treatment at all. You see, many cases of acne are best fought with better hygiene and an understanding of what causes acne. By simply cleansing your skin in the correct way, you can eliminate or reduce most acne conditions. If you do this and you still have acne, you probably need an acne medication.
When it comes to getting rid of acne, many individuals are turning towards natural herbs. There are a number of herbs that have been found to assist in acne complications. Red Clover is an especially popular herb because of the fact that it works to purify the blood and remove toxins from the body. Then, you have other herbal remedies such as Dandelion Root, and Alfalfa. There are even Chinese Herbs like Yang Ming and Lung Heat that can prove to be beneficial.
tags: how to get rid of blackheads acne, acne treatment natural skin care skin care cream b, what common household items get rid of acne and pimples

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