Thursday, July 3, 2008

Hair loss, fatigue,dry skin,poor memory, acne and how to treat acne scars

Acne is actually a kind of inflammatory skin disorder. For this reason, you should start taking more anti-inflammatory foods and drinks so that your acne condition can be improved. The best source of anti inflammatory elements should include ginger and turmeric. You can try onions too if you can stand it.
One thing that has always been suspected of casing acne is stress. Where there is severe or prolonged emotional stress or tension acne is likely to be more severe. This can have a circular effect, particularly in teenagers. The teenagers is under stress, usually about a social situation. Their acne gets worse, which makes the social situation more difficult, which makes the stress worse. It is very hard for some teenagers to break out of this downward spiral.
The damage to the skin that appears as scars and can occur after an outbreak of acne can for many people can be as distressing as the spots, boils, and blackheads especially when it appears on the face.If it is possible to halt the progression of your pockmarked skin in the early stages, it is best to do this since these scars should be avoided at all cost.
tags: acne medicine during pregnancy, removing acne marks and mederma, best acne remedy

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