Sunday, September 28, 2008

Adult acne related to stress

« ...Another effective natural remedy for acne is a raw potato. This is an inexpensive remedy that anyone can use. You will find that using a raw potato will give your skin a healthy glow from the vitamin C. There is also alkaline in the potato that helps to kill bacteria. You will benefit from an exfoliating effect from the potato, ridding your skin of dead cells....
...Using anti bacterial products on the infected areas. People have had great success by applying anti bacterial creams on their acne. It helps tremendously in the battle against adult acne. So by changing your diet, exercising and applying proven anti bacterial creams, you are on your way to cure your acne for good....»
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«...Sweating expels many toxins from your body, and these toxins can play havoc with your skin and internal organs. Exercise will tone your body as well, and that will give you a reason to feel better about yourself....»
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tags: what to do about severe acne and scars, baby acne food allergy, natural way to cure cystic acne

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